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Alberta Registered Small Flock

Heritage and Rare Chickens & Fowl Hatching Eggs



Naturally raised and family loved


Hatching & raising chickens is in my genes, I learned all about chickens from my mom and grandmother. 

Growing up on a farm was an amazing experience. As soon as I could toddle around the barn yard I was busy petting chickens, ducks, geese, collecting hatching eggs, dogs and cats. Always observant to ensure they had food and water. I also learned how to keep them safe and happy!  Cuz those hatching eggs are so valuable!

Today we continue to carefully raise our chickens ensuring they have a natural environment and food. And, that they are safe. Our guardian dogs are amazing at keeping predators away! 

Specializing in offering hatching eggs for RARE and HERITAGE dual breed chickens..

White Canadian Gauloise also known as the White Canadian Bresse (France holds the legal name of the WHITE BRESSE.

Jubilee Orpington.

 French Black Copper Maran.

Heritage Rhode Island Red.

Russian Pavlovskaja.

 Tolbunt Polish.

Blue Polish.

Jumbo Chinese Ringneck Pheasants!

We wish we could invite you to our farm but the Provincial Vets strongly discourages visitation to ensure the chicken flock is healthy.

WHAT OUR CLIENTS SAY about our Hatching Eggs

Wow almost all of the eggs hatched! Despite the fact they were mailed almost across Canada!  Thank you Canadian Chicken Hatchery! 

Chicken Lover from Manitoba

Our Chickens...
Click on the picture to reveal information on chicken & pheasant breed - these breeds offer amazing hatching eggs.

Taking care of our chickens is our top priority at all times.


At the Canadian Chicken Hatchery our birds receive a healthy well balanced diet of specialized chicken food, hen scratch, fresh vegetables & fruit. We even provide alfalfa hay for them to scratch and peck (emotional health) during the winter months. No matter what the weather or season we always ensure the hens and roosters have lots of fresh water.  



We are doing our best to provide you with the best possible buying solution.  We have taken into account inflation for both the buyer and producer.That is why we have set standard pricing for our hatching eggs and live birds.

And we truly want to share the joy of watching chicken eggs hatch before your very eyes and share your life with incredible chickens and birds. 





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